Military Generator Fuel Pumps, Fuel Injection Parts, Fuel Sending Units, Day Tank Fuel Float Switches etc. for Gasoline and Diesel Military Generators.
Carburetor for 10kW MEP-018A and MEP-023A Gasoline Generators. Includes gasket and washers.
24V Electric Fuel Pump used on Military Generators and Military Vehicle Arctic Kits and Fuel Burning Personnel Heaters. Maximum fuel delivery 33 gallons per hour at free flow. Maximum pressure 6 to 8 psi.
Replacement Fuel Pump Screen Filter Strainer for Electric Fuel Pumps on Most Military Generator Sets
Day Tank Low Fuel Float Switch. Used on Most Military Diesel Generators. NOS style has one metal float but functions the same as the new replacement part. See photos for details on New vs. NOS
Fuel Sending Unit for 15kW, 30kW, and 60kW Military Generators. See related items below for gasket
24V Fuel Sending Unit W/ Gauge for MEP Military Diesel Generators. Includes Voltage Dropping Resistor for 24 volt Equipment
Fuel Day Tank Shut-Off Solenoid. Used on 15KW, 30KW, 60KW, 100KW and 200KW Military Generators
Woodward Electric Engine Stop Solenoid. Fits MEP007A and MEP009A Military Generators
Roosa Master Fuel Injection Pump. Used on 60KW Military Diesel Generators.
Stanadyne Roosa Master Fuel Injection Pump. Used on 30KW Military Diesel Generators. New, Re-built and Used/repairable available. Re-built Pumps Require a Core Deposit
Stanadyne Roosa Master Fuel Injection Pump. Used on 15KW Military Diesel Generators. Re-built Pumps Require a Core Deposit
Fuel Pump DriveShaft. Used on 60KW Military Diesel Generator with Allis Chalmers 3500 Engine and Stanadyne Roosa Master Pump
Fuel Injection Pump DriveShaft. Used on 15KW and 30KW Military Generator Sets with White / Hercules D298ER and D198ER Diesel Engines with Stanadyne Roosa Master Fuel Injection Pump
Used to compress the umbrella seals when installing the injection pump onto the engine on the 15kW, 30kW and 60kW Military Generators with Stanadyne Roosa-Master Fuel Injection Pump.
Sleeve tool used for installing the umbrella seals onto the injection pump drive shaft on the 15kW, 30kW and 60kW Generators.
Fluid Passage bolts for connecting Fuel Injection Lines to Stanadyne Roosa Master Pumps on 15KW, 30KW and 60KW military Generators
Injection Line Sealing Washer Metal. For use on Stanadyne Roosa Master Fuel Injection Pumps on 15KW, 30KW and 60KW military Generators
Fuel Injection Drive Shaft O-ring. Fits MEP006A Military Generator. This seal is very specific in size and the use of one that is not identical will cause the governor to run full throttle possibly causing damage to the engine. Make sure when installing your Fuel Injection Pump that you use this specific O-Ring. Do not use one that "looks" the same size. Also used on Stanadyne Roosa Master Fuel Injection Pumps. See related items for the rest of the installation parts required.
Fuel Injection Pump Drive Shaft Umbrella Seal. (2 Required) Used on MEP004A, MEP005A, MEP006A and other model Military Generators with Stanadyne Fuel Injection Pump durring installation. A Special Tool is required for installation. Improper installation will result in Diesel Fuel Filling the crankcase and causing a run-away engine. See related items for this tool.
Shaft Seal O-Ring for Stanadyne Fuel Injection Pump. Used on CUCV Military Vehicles and MEP004A, MEP005A Military Generators.